We don't manage your money

We are

We are not Bankers, Brokers or Fund Managers

We are
efficiency Experts

Our services do not cost you a single dime.
At Brookstone Financial, we show you how the Banks, the Government and Wall Street are all taking advantage of you. They have their own agenda, and it does not include you or your family. Exposing them for what they are, and showing you no risk alternatives and options is what we do best. By eliminating the negatives (market losses,high fees and taxes) we can increase the efficiency of your retirement income by 300% or more.
You see, you've been taught that the best way to save for retirement is by contributing to the typical retirement plan, such as the IRA, 401k, 403b, etc. But these plans were designed by congress and the IRS and are not really in your best interest. If there were a better way to create retirement security, wouldn't you want to know about it as soon as possible?
Michael Tompkins, President of Brookstone Financial & Insurance Services, has specialized in retirement planning for more than 20 years. Although his services are concentrated mainly in California, he is fully licensed in 10 states throughout the U.S. His clients include affluent individuals and families, business owners and executives, professionals, and educators and their families. He assists them in creating and implementing personal investment and retirement strategies with the focus on minimizing taxes and stock market risk. He is considered a “safe money” retirement planner.
“My goal is to help my clients protect their assets, and earn competitive returns with little or no risk,” says Michael. “Success doesn’t just happen. You need a plan and a reliable advisor. I strive to build longstanding relationships with my clients, based on trust, integrity and service, because I want clients for life, not just sales for today. My work is extremely rewarding. It is gratifying to make a positive difference in my clients’ lives.”
Michael currently resides in Indian Wells, CA with his lovely wife Nora and their beautiful German Shorthaired Pointer, Charlie.